The Mission


AEC works specifically on obtaining equality data on People of African Descent in order to combat Afrophobia and Anti-Black-Racism in Denmark. AEC works on holding local and national politicians accountable for the fact that although Denmark signed on to be a member of the UN International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), it is not living up to the promises it made as a member.  This includes, but is not limited to, implementing the recommendations contained in UN Document, CERD34.  Nor is it living up to EU anti-discrimination policies and programs.

AEC works to highlight issues in Denmark which have a direct impact on the well-being of the PAD community, including:

1.  A clear legal definition of a Hate-Crime

2. The implementation of language and laws on multiple (intersectional) discrimination, such as those PAD women are disproprotionately affected by

3. The implementation of policies and programs to combat structural discrimination in, among other things, the health system and justicial system

AEC also shares information in order to educate the public about the broad and rich history and culture of the African Diaspora.
