Slavery in the 21st century

Slavery in the 21st century
Yesterday a Danish shipowner was convicted in the case of two Ghanaian men who worked for 3 years in Thyborøn under forced labour and slavery-like conditions.
The shipowner is sentenced to 1 year and 6 months suspended prison and his company is fined 3 million DKK. He was convicted of unlawful work and usury of a particularly serious nature, which according to Section 282 of the Criminal Code means, in short, when a person takes advantage of another person for his own gain.
The court thus found that the convicted man exploited the two Ghanaians to work for him in unsuitable conditions, but did not find grounds to convict the shipowner of the charge of trafficking in human beings for forced labour.
Both the prosecutor and the defence lawyer are satisfied with the outcome of the verdict.
But is 1.5 years suspended prison sentence, meaning no prison time, a fair sentence for the slave trade version of 2017?
The two worked 11 hours a day, 6 days a week, without holidays, for a salary of about 9,000 DKK a month. The two men came to Denmark in 2017 after agreeing with the convicted shipowner to transport the shipowner’s ship back to Africa after a short period to prepare the ship. During those 3 years, the shipowner had confiscated the passports and shipping documents of the 2 Ghanaians. This resulted, among other things, in the expiry of their residence permits and the fact that they had no opportunity to return home to their families.

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