Let’s get some data behind our story

If you are a person of African descent (PAD) over 18 years old and living in Denmark, please participate. If you are an ally, please tell your PAD friends and family. The survey is also in Danish. Let’s get some data behind our story – the good, the bad, the neutral. There is little to no tangible data on the experiences of PAD in Denmark. In Denmark we tend to speak in terms of Westerners vs non-Westerners. By solely utilising population labels such as “ikke vestlige invandrere (non-Western immigrants)” and “vestlig invandrere (Western immigrants) creates practical problems and ignores the commonalities and needs this group of people. In fact, Denmark is the only country using these groupings/terms. We in Denmark have no real idea as to whether needs are being met or the extent of the challenges faced. We don’t even know how many we are! Data is important for human rights advocacy.

Song: People Everyday by Arrested Development



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