Today is the European Day Against Islamophobia. Islamophobia is recognized internationally including recently by the UN Special Rapporteur. It is used as a political weapon to demonise Muslims and those perceived as Muslim in Europe to legitimise discriminatory policies and practices against them.In our recent report on the impact of counter-terrorism policies, we show how these policies lead to violation of rights and contribute to racial prejudices against all Muslims, portraying them as potentially dangerous for Europe.We call on the EU to challenge these narratives and ensure security of all. EU leaders must recognise the lives of racialised groups disproportionally affected by these discriminatory laws and practices. They must denounce the injustice publicly.Recognition and action at EU level is more than ever needed: we call for addressing islamophobia in the EU and national anti-racism action plans, including by challenging restrictions to religious dress in Europe, which especially impacts women. With the rise of Islamophobia in Europe, many civil society organizations have experienced challenges in combatting discrimination and racism faced by Muslims and people perceived as Muslims in Europe. Join CLAIM, Dokustelle Österreich Islamfeindlichkeit & antimuslimischer Rassismus, ENAR and CCIB – Collectif Contre l’Islamophobie en Belgique asbl today for an online event on Combating #Islamophobia organized jointly with the European Parliament Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup and the @Open Society European Policy Institute at 1.30pm CEST. Register now: Counter-Terrorism report:…/suspicion_discrimination…
Written by ENAR